Proposed Program of January 12th 2008
Speech to read at the Inauguration of the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility
Rashtra Gita - Anthem of the Global Country of World Peace
Bhumi Puja - Vedic Ground Breaking Ceremony
Flag of the Global Country of World Peace
Drawing of the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility
Poster of the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility
Tips for high definition graphics to show on Maharishi's Family Chat
To save these files to your hard disk, PC users right-click and choose 'save as', Mac users control-click and choose 'download to disk'
To adjust the timing of the program to the actual time when the sun is at its highest point at your location, you can
use the tool on this site:
Only for Switzerland:
Swiss National Anthem verse 1 (Schweizer Psalm 1. Strophe)
Swiss National Anthem verse 2 (Schweizer Psalm 2. Strophe)